Thursday, November 16, 2006

It Takes 30 Minutes to say 10 Minutes of Nothing

Meetings. I seriously believe that all our meetings (in the entire world) could be cut down by a third. There was a meeting today that took 30 minutes (the length of lunch) to "discuss" something that really could have been done in 10 minutes.

Of course most of the problems with these meetings is the fact that people don't know what they want, but they do know they want to complain. Let's add NO COMPLAINING about the way things are to our meetings. Solutions and answers would be a good use of meetings. In this one, after thirty minutes, we still really didn't have a "clear" picture of what this teacher wanted to have happen. Oh well, I guess I won't be going to the next thirty minute meeting...

Please, keep the meeting to ten minutes people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...